opening hours : 08:00 am - 09:00 pm
Location : Borgeskogen 1, 3160 Stokke, Norway

Coffee Menu

Our Coffee units focus on the local environment and local food traditions, a minimum of 60 percent of the food selection is made from the best local ingredients and adapted to good local traditions. Hot food is served in most units throughout the entire operating time, however the selection may differ from unit to unit - country to country - experience a different coffee shop environment with the best service.
Whytes Coffee
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Whytes Coffee Menu

Classic Americano coffee made with 1-2 shots of espresso and water, customizable with flavour options such as vanilla, caramel, chocolate, hazelnut and more. Option to top with black coffee for a bolder taste
Apple cake
Apple cake
This cake serves with morning tea or prep-ahead dessert – serve it warm with hot custard in winter and with whipped cream or ice cream in summer.
Cafe Latte
Cafe Latte
Customizable coffee and milk blend with options for flavors, syrups, sugar alternatives, and dairy alternatives. Ask staff for personalized recommendations.
Cafe Macchiato
Cafe Macchiato
Espresso macchiato is an espresso coffee drink with a small amount of milk, usually foamed. In Italian, macchiato means "stained" or "spotted"
Cafe Mocha
Cafe Mocha
Espresso - Steamed Milk & Dark Chocolate"
Cappuccino is the Italians' morning brew, and consists of 1/3 espresso and 2/3 hot steamed milk with a rich foam. A definite favourite!
Chai Latte
Chai Latte
Our spiced latte gives you the perfect combination of tea and spices. A good caffeine-free alternative to coffee. Would you like another shot of espresso? Try the Devil's Chai Latte.
Our cheesecake is a very good class
Chocolate cake
Chocolate cake
A real taste of chocolate
Cinnamon roll
Cinnamon roll
Whyte`s own baked cinnamon roll - try it!
Classic Frappe
Classic Frappe
Our own frappe mix is ​​blended with milk and ice for a milkshake full of energy.
Our Cortado consists of 50% Espresso and 50% Steamed milk without foam. A quick and easy pick-me-up.
Delicato bun
Delicato bun
Whytes Coffee provide service of delicious dessert & cakes
Devils Chai
Devils Chai
Vår klassiske chai latte - med et ekstra kick av espresso.
Donuts with many soft and tasty donuts that all customers appreciate
Espresso Coffee
Espresso Coffee
Whyte's Espresso is a full-fledged alternative with a rich taste and a delicious aroma. All our coffee is made from our own organic coffee beans
Flat White
Flat White
Flat White is a triple espresso with hot milk.
Flavored Latte
Flavored Latte
Aromatic latte with a touch of classic and seasonal flavor: Vanilla, Caramel, Salted Caramel, Chocolate, Hazelnut, Almond, Cinnamon, Coconut, Pumpkin Spice, Gingerbread, Irish Cream.
Frappe With Flavor
Frappe With Flavor
Mocha – Caramel – Salted Caramel – Chocolate Chip – Vanilla
Hot chocolate Tea
Hot chocolate Tea
An indulgent blend of rich cocoa powder and comforting tea for a warm, chocolatey experience
Hot chocolate with flavor
Hot chocolate with flavor
Rich and creamy hot chocolate, infused with a hint of classic and seasonal flavours: Vanilla, Caramel, Salted Caramel, Chocolate, Hazelnut, Almond, Cinnamon, Coconut, Pumpkin Spice, Gingerbread, and Irish Cream.
Houses Fersk Black Coffee
Houses Fersk Black Coffee
freshly brewed house coffee - freshly ground medium roasted beans of the best quality
Iced Latte Flavored
Iced Latte Flavored
Classic Iced Latte with flavour: Vanilla - Caramel - Salted Caramel - Chocolate - Hazelnut - Almond - Cinnamon - Coconut - Pumpkin Spice - Gingerbread - Irish Cream - Mocha
Iced tea is chilled tea, preferably with optional ice cubes, lemon juice or lime juice and a little sugar.
many varieties and flavors - prepared on your own unit
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